Who Hijacked Our Country

Sunday, July 15, 2012

NRA: “When Anonymous Campaign Contributions are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Make Anonymous Campaign Contributions”

WTF does the non-existent “right” to make secret campaign contributions have to do with guns???  I realize of course, like all Real Americans, that President Obama is planning to confiscate every gun in America as soon as he gets re-elected.

But it gets worse.  By the time this Kenyan Muslim Communist gets through with us, we won’t even be able to make huge anonymous campaign contributions without having our identities disclosed.

The Senate will soon be voting on the DISCLOSE Act.  Despite all the scary rumors being shat out by the Rightwing Noise Machine, the DISCLOSE Act simply requires political organizations to reveal the names of their donors.  This gives voters the ability to follow the money and see who’s purchasing the election right out from under them.

For whatever reason, the NRA is so paranoid about this bill, they’re threatening to swiftboat any senator who votes in favor of DISCLOSE.  And the NRA’s swiftboating will be enabled by secret cash donations, no doubt.

Political Action Committees (PACs) are already required to disclose their donors.  But hundreds of millions of campaign dollars are coming from non-profit “charitable” organizations.  And these “charities” are NOT required to disclose their donors since, after all, they’re doing charitable things.

Even if the DISCLOSE Act never gets passed, the IRS will soon start auditing some of these “charities.”  I’m guessing the IRS will decide that destroying politicians’ careers and purchasing elections does NOT qualify as a “charity,” and these fake charities will lose their tax-exempt status and/or be forced to reveal the names of their donors.

Unfortunately the IRS won’t be starting these audits until next year at the earliest.  Until then, if you want to follow the money and see who’s swiftboating your favorite candidates, you’ll have to be content just knowing that “this multi-million dollar attack ad was paid for by Concerned Americans for a Better Future.”

So again, the NRA will be slandering and destroying ANY senator who votes for the DISCLOSE Act.  And these attacks will only be possible because of secret money from anonymous donors.  But hey — it’s for charity.

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Blogger Randal Graves said...


July 16, 2012 at 3:15 AM  
Blogger Jim Marquis said...

Everybody will have to get a CDL (Concealed Donations License).

July 16, 2012 at 7:33 AM  
Blogger Mr. Charleston said...


July 16, 2012 at 7:41 AM  
Blogger Demeur said...

And when did you say the funding for the IRS is up for vote?

Come now Tom you of all people should know how this works.

July 16, 2012 at 8:43 AM  
Blogger Dave Dubya said...

The NRA now stands for Nutty Rightwing Authoritarians.

July 16, 2012 at 11:47 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Of course this doesn't include big labor candidates that stand with their hierarchy for forced unionization and bigger government. That we need to keep hush on.

July 16, 2012 at 12:03 PM  
Anonymous Jolly Roger said...

Of course this doesn't include big labor candidates that stand with their hierarchy for forced unionization and bigger government. That we need to keep hush on.

As usual, we can depend on you to say something completely stupid, and FALSE. Unless you now want to provide links that will take us to warnings from organized labor about pushing the DICSLOSE Act.

Can't do it? What a surprise! Why don't you do something that you CAN get done, like bake us all a great big apple pie. Yum!

July 16, 2012 at 4:28 PM  
Blogger Snave said...

I remember when the NRA was a sportsman's organization that spent its resources on teaching gun safety, promoting responsible gun ownership, and revolved around hunting and the outdoors. My, how times have changed... Now they've become a bloated far right monster. They wield FAR too much power. More than their feeling a need to protect gun rights, I see their rise as a power grab. The left is not at fault. We need look no further than those who have been involved in NRA leadership during the last thirty years...

July 16, 2012 at 8:26 PM  
Blogger S.W. Anderson said...

The NRA is probably hoping to score a windfall of Koch brothers and Adelson campaign money. If the public were to learn the NRA and member volunteers were being paid to get out and hustle for Romney, there might be a backlash. And who knows, it might affect the NRA's tax status. Better to keep things secret.

July 16, 2012 at 11:33 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

"As usual, we can depend on you to say something completely stupid, and FALSE. Unless you now want to provide links that will take us to warnings from organized labor about pushing the DISCLOSE Act."

Hahaha it was voted down. The left always want to change the rules when it's not in their favor. Like when Bush won the electoral vote they want to do away with it now not a peep. You would be falling all over yourselves if they put it up for a vote now because it goes against President Hope and Change.

"Can't do it? What a surprise! Why don't you do something that you CAN get done, like bake us all a great big apple pie. Yum!"

Why JR so you can "American Pie" it?

July 17, 2012 at 9:55 AM  

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